Giving Statements are Here!

Ever Ready

by John Tilton on December 30, 2024


“Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.”
Revelation 16:15


There are so many interpretations of the book of Revelation, including differences between renowned biblical scholars. Thus, rather then attempting to take one of the many stands on the rapture and pre or post tribulation; what speaks to me is the importance of being prepared and ready for the Lord’s coming and the events that will take place.  A thief will usually come at an unknown hour and gives no warning until we are surprised and usually ill-prepared.  It’s sort of like an insurance policy.  You never know when you’re going to need it, but it sure gives one peace knowing that if or when something happens, one is covered.  So to be it with what we know of Revelation, that we need to be prepared and ready in our relationship with Jesus Christ and the obedient life we are living.  What will be will be. However, we can do all things through Christ if we are living the life He’s called us to live.  “Failing to plan, is a plan to fail,” is a figure of speech of not being ready and therefore preventing one from making suitable arrangements or having an appropriate and best response.  Often, when we fail to plan, it simply means we have no plan, and therefore nothing to follow to achieve our goals, or protect ourselves.  The scripture is very clear in warning us to be prepared and ready.


I truly relate to God’s warning here as I recently thought of my will that needs updating or my planning for a trust when I am called home to the Lord.  However, I haven’t made the time to complete what needs to be done.  Result?  I have not prepared and am not ready to leave my estate as to how I envision it should be if I past away.  It seems like a lot to do and pay for in meeting with an attorney and the related fees, which I realize I do need to do.  However, in being prepared for the Lord’s coming doesn’t take arrangements, time and money with an attorney.  It is so easily accessible every single day in my devotions in the Word, my time in prayer with the Lord, and my obedience to live the life He’s called me to.  There is an old saying that we will perform and play the way we prepare and practice.  I want to perform and play well in the last days and therefore, I need to plan and practice well in my dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ and what applies by His direction.


Dear Lord, thank you for yet another reminder of what you’ve called me to do in living my life in your will and being obedient to what you’ve called me to do.  Please continue to guide, prompt, correct and encourage me each day through the Holy Spirit in walking and living in your will and ways.


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