Esau, an Example

by John Tilton on January 13, 2025


“But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept.  Then Esau looked up and saw the women and children. ʻWho are these with you?ʻ he asked.  Jacob answered, ʻThey are the children God has graciously given your servant.ʻ  Then the female servants and their children approached and bowed down.  Next, Leah and her children came and bowed down. Last of all came Joseph and Rachel, and they too bowed down.  Esau asked, ʻWhat’s the meaning of all these flocks and herds I met?ʻ  ʻTo find favor in your eyes, my lord,ʻ he said.  But Esau said, ʻI already have plenty, my brother. Keep what you have for yourself.ʻ
Genesis 33:4-9


The account of Esau and Jacob has such gems in exampling the goodness of Esau’s heart in spite of the cards of life that were dealt to him.  Imagine being deceived not once but twice by his brother Jacob, resulting in the loss of his birthright and blessing, two traditions that were so important to a firstborn of their culture and faith.  I only can imagine what Esau also felt knowing that his brother Jacob was also chosen and favored.  Many in life in this situation would be very angry and vengeful, probably blaming God and everyone else for their undeserving destiny.  Yet, as we read further, Esau’s greeting of his brother Jacob, account of the blessings he possessed, his desire to accompany and protect his brother, family and possessions; example such a profound man of God.  Then to be deceived by his brother once again who tells him that he will meet Esau in Seir, but goes on in another direction.


This is such an affirmation to me of not letting people and situations turn my heart, outlook on life and my spiritual walk into a spirit of negativity and despise.  It is so easy to be hurt when disappointed or wronged by others thereby seeking revenge or justice.  The ability not to forgive others sure seems to create and result in obstacles and diversions to receiving and realizing God’s plan and blessings for us.  We tend to get so caught up emotionally and mentally in the wrong done to us that it consumes out time and heart.  Instead, our time and heart could be directed to seeking God’s will, plan and destiny for our life, which definitely will result in an abundance of blessings and success.  I liken it to shedding the baggage of disappointment and deceit that will allow me to run the race quicker and free.


Dear Lord, thank you for the lesson of Esau and his example of a man of God who chose to release disappointment and deceit to realize gain and blessings.  May I also be blessed by you to let go of disappoint and deceit so that I can run the race you’ve called me to, leaner and quicker.


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