by Scott Hogle on July 25, 2022

This is the dream which I, King Nebuchadnezzar, have seen. Now you, Belteshazzar, tell me its interpretation, inasmuch as none of the wise men of my kingdom is able to make known to me the interpretation; but you are able, for a spirit of the holy gods is in you.’ Daniel 4:18

God positioned Daniel in the highest level of world government. As a man of faith and deep conviction, Daniel stood apart from the culture and practices of the day. You could say he stood out like a sore thumb as a Jew in the early days of the Babylon captivity, yet he was highly respected, highly esteemed, and in a high position of authority. How could someone in such opposition to a pagan environment, a people, and a culture advance so far and occupy such an important assignment in the world’s largest secular kingdom? God wanted Daniel to serve in Babylon, an environment in direct opposition to the ways of the Lord.  Here’s how.

  1. Daniel solved problems no one else could. The King acknowledged that the spirit of the gods was in him, but it was actually the Spirit of God. Daniel’s reliance on God propelled him forward to take possession of and occupy a prominent place in the courts of Babylon. What stage might God be preparing you for? 
  2. Daniel showcased his supernatural gift from God no one else had. Daniel demonstrated God’s gift of dreams and interpretation more than once. What God given gift do you have or need to develop for your work environment?
  3. Daniel gave guidance no one else could give because He relied on God’s divine wisdom. Is there a strategy God wants to give you that when spoken to the right people at the right time, will jettison you and His purposes forward?
  4. Daniel proved his integrity to the degree no one else would. Authorities in Babylon all knew Daniel would not sin against his conscience or his God no matter what the cost. Is there a public testing you’ve been through that has cemented the reputation of your character in the minds of those around you?

Like with Daniel, God wants to work through you in your vocational calling. Consider what the ‘NO ONE ELSES’ may be that God is calling you to step up and take hold of so He can leverage them in your work environment.  And remember, you have better promise and supernatural gift (1 Corinthians 12) than Daniel had in his day under the new covenant you can tap into. 


  1. What are the spiritual gifts God want to develop in you?
  2. How is your vocational journey similar to Daniel’s or different?
  3. Why does God like to showcase his saints in the most difficult of environments?


Principle: Once you let God use the difficulties in your environment to shape you, He will use you to shape the environment.


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