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Enemy Tactics and Tricks

by Scott Hogle on December 01, 2024

When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people: “Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.”
Nehemiah 4:14

The team Nehemiah had raised up had a mind to work (Nehemiah 4:6). With this unity of purpose, nothing could stop them. The greatest enemy you will face is always yourself. The enemy will interfere with you but doesn’t have power over you to force you to do anything without your permission. Once you purpose to accomplish something, nothing shall be impossible for you as you work alongside God. But like Nehemiah, who had to lead himself and his team, here are a few strategies the enemy will use to trip you up:


  1. CONFUSION: Uncertainty or misdirection will halt any work in its place. Leaders bring clarity and organization to diminish confusion.
  2. CONFLICT: Seeds of conflict redirect the energy away from productive work to unnecessary and destructive emotional warfare. Leaders quickly resolve and eliminate conflict that interferes with progress.
  3. FEAR: Focusing on circumstances around you vs. the God working in you will weaken even the strongest of saints when facing daunting challenges. Leaders keep people’s eyes focused on the future prize, not the price being paid in the present.
  4. UNBELIEF: The mixing of doubt with your belief will create a counterbalancing effect to neutralize the power that fuels your faith. Leaders teach people to be single-minded about the cause lest they get overwhelmed with the circumstances surrounding the project.
  5. DISTRACTION: If the enemy can’t stop you, he will entice you with something that looks appealing to break your focus. But stay strong by following what King David did when he said, “My heart is FIXED” (Psalm 57:7 KJV, emphasis added). Leaders keep people’s eyes forward.

The enemy can’t force you to surrender, but he can wear you down until you want to give up. The enemy can’t take control of your will or volition, but he is allowed to woo you with promises and lies of an easier path. The enemy can’t make choices for you, but he can present alternatives to you like he did with Eve in the garden and entice you to follow another voice.

“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”
FDR, 1933 Inaugural Address


  1. What strategies do you use to help you maintain your focus when distractions abound?
  2. What tactics have you seen the enemy use against you in the work environment?
  3. How can you fortify yourself against your most vulnerable area of attack?

Leaders keep people’s eyes focused on the future prize, not the price being paid in the present.


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