Empowered By ...

by John Tilton on October 07, 2024


”One day as he was teaching the people in the temple courts and preaching the gospel, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, together with the elders, came up to him.  "Tell us by what authority you are doing these things," they said. "Who gave you this authority?"
Luke 20:1-2


The chief priests’ question to Jesus is a continuation of the relationship struggle between Jesus and the leadership; most probably based and instigated by Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple prior.  Thus, publicly the chief priests endeavored to “call Him” on His actions and to explain himself in terms of His actions and authority or granted approval to do what He did.  Subsequently, we read Jesus perplexed them and shut them down with His question on whether John’s baptism was from heaven or men.  Although the context of the scriptures refers to the chief priests concern of Jesus’ actions and their goal to thwart His ministry; there is an underlying subject here in terms of justification and rights, as well as where the authority or power comes from in order for one to take action, especially when what is done may be new or controversial.  Jesus never had to answer as to where His authority came from.  However, we definitely know that it is from His father, God almighty, and His divine authority as the Christ.


These scriptures speak to me as a leader that authority and leadership needs to come from the Lord based on a relationship with Jesus Christ and a heart after God’s own heart; NOT necessarily a position, title, job description or standard operating procedures.  Although even in ministry we have positions, titles, position descriptions and policies & procedures for organizational sake, my communication and actions as a leader should be based on the authority of who Christ is in me, His call on my life and His assignment for me; understanding that the authority is not one of power but being empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Power is like wielding a hammer, whereby being empowered is giving direction as I place the hammer in the person’s hand to accomplish the goals.  I would like my leadership to represent the ability to empower people rather then use my power of position and title to give directives.  One is doing as you are told; the better is doing by motivation of vision, heart and relationship.


Lord, I pray that you will continue to teach me to be a man of God, leader and servant that will lead by empowerment rather then wielding false power; as in ministry, most are present by choice and serve by volunteering to serve.  Thus, there is no absolute power as in the world, but rather empowerment by the Holy Spirit and name of Jesus. May I be the recipient of being empowered by the Lord Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit.


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