“The priests are to perform my service in such a way that they do not become guilty and die for treating it with contempt. I am the Lord, who makes them holy.” (Leviticus 22:9)
The Lord directed Moses in the way the priests would perform their service to the Lord, and that it would not be construed as treating their responsibility with “contempt,” which meant disdain, drudgery, or disrespect. The Lord goes on to say that the call from the Lord and appointment is a holy one. Therefore, it is a service to be held with honor, reverence, and worship.
This scripture is such a great reminder as to our relationship, time with the Lord, and our service, or calling to serve Him. It is often so easy after the initial excitement of accepting the Lord and serving Him, for commonality and even routine to set it without us even knowing. Our time with the Lord can become a task and duty, rather than a holy time of reverence and worship. There may be times when the challenges of life, people and situations will distract and frustrate us, where we lose sight of the call to worship and serve the Lord with all of our hearts. We may become disillusioned and disgruntled with the situations that we may even question or blame God.
May we wake up and catch ourselves when we find ourselves in those modes of attitude and heart. May we come to our senses and remember that He is worthy of our all.
Dear Lord, I am honored to be called to know you and serve you in full-time ministry. May I always remember that honor, reverence, and worship; and not let life or things of the world distract me or take my focus off of you. May my time with you be a time of devotion to you.