Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

by John Tilton on May 29, 2023


The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.” (Proverbs 11:3)


In such few words, Solomon cuts through to a truth of how integrity, which is defined as truthfulness and honor, will guide the obedient; as opposed to those who are given to the duplicity of double-mindedness, double standards, and leading a double life, influenced and brought on by the world.


I know that I have and do battle with duplicity if I am not careful to defend my heart and mind from the influences of the world.  Influences and distractions of the world’s ways can be so subtle.  The devil knows our likings and how to skew things to play on our likings that are often laced with the lies of the enemy.  We receive the treasures of God’s word on one hand, yet the influences of life that contradict the word and will of God, sneak into our minds with temptation and actions that although may be momentarily satisfying, are destructive to our faith, obedience to God.  It’s like we play a role in the drama of life, desiring to be the upright Dr. Jekyll, but falling to the temptations of our carnal fleshly ways like the notorious Mr. Hyde; a metaphor of the duplicity that can take place in our lives.  The battle seems to be in the voice and image of temporal satisfaction that calls to us; rather then the eternal and righteous knowledge of God’s word and will, that often may not have instant and physical gratification, but true treasure of eternity if we can win the battle in our minds.  We must realize that it is a process of ingesting more of God through His word and time with Him, rather then the things of life that are more prevalent then ever.


Dear Lord, please guide and empower me to win the battle that often takes place in my mind between your word and will; and the temptations, distractions, and worldly influences of the world.  May your word and time with you change the DNA of my mind and emotion of my heart to overcome the carnal distractions, temptations, and influences of the world.  In the power and the name of Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit that dwells within my, I am a child of God.


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