“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?”
Luke 14:28
Jesus uses a parable of building a tower and later of going to battle, to illustrate how we often underestimate. At the start of any endeavor, we can easily assume and become a bit too proud and say yes before knowing what it will cost us.
Years ago, before I was set to leave for a trip I was asked to take on a project. As I had already successfully completed similar projects in the past, and thought I knew what it entailed, I immediately said yes.
This would prove to be a costly mistake.
In my mind I thought to myself, “I can probably get this done before I leave on my trip.” I had foolishly assumed I could get it done having not completely taken a look at the specs. By the time I had a chance to sit down and calculate resources and time (calculate the cost), I realized I had overpromised on my ability to deliver and meet the initial deadline. I had to make a request for an extension.
That trip ended up being one of the most stressful of my life. While others were out having fun and enjoying themselves, I spent almost every free moment of it in a local coffee shop on my laptop working.
I learned a very important lesson on that trip – Always count the cost.
Jesus knew that following Him and being one of His disciples wouldn’t be easy. There would be a cost that each of us would have to pay. As I share the good news with others, I must also remember to remind them to count the cost for themselves.
Father Almighty. Forgive me Lord for times when I have pridefully and foolishly assumed. Thank You Lord that You continue to speak and teach us. May I remember as I share about You with others, that I would also remind them to count the cost, this I pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen.