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Complete Faith

by Fred Alcain on December 13, 2024


And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Hebrews 10:24, 25


Jesus, the perfect priest, the perfect sacrifice and a perfect faith is the absolute appropriate action. Yet much more than just my faith is required.


To realize a full and complete faith, I must “consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” My action alone doesn’t complete my faith.  God designed us to live and minister in community.  My faith is encouraged and realized when I give it away, give love away, encourage others.  A wise man said, LIFT OTHERS UP, ELEVATE OTHERS PLATFORMS, EXPAND OTHERS WORLD.  Key word = OTHERS.

When I wise up and mature up to value others needs more than my own, my faith is strengthened and made real.  My needs are taken care of; Jesus saw to that at the cross.  And like the many mighty men who “by faith-ed it”, not counting cost or claiming no prize here on earth, I need to move forward in faith with a wisdom and discernment, knowing that I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God.  I’m okay, I need to commit to seeing that others are too.

The verse also encourages meeting together to encourage.  I know few who like meetings, yet it is in this community time where relationships are built, trust is established and faith is encouraged.

Lastly, the focus of faith is not necessarily that I be good.  Yes, I’m accountable for my actions and how I love. But a complete faith means that I also encourage others to do good, exhorting all to be better.  Love God, love people.


Lord I need more love…thank You for setting that example.

Lord I need more grace…thank You for your graciousness towards me.

Lord I need more mercy…thank You for being a mighty and merciful God.



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