By the Rivers of Babylon

by Fred Alcain on August 23, 2024


Thus says the Lord,
“Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears;
For your work will be rewarded,” declares the Lord,
“And they will return from the land of the enemy.
“There is hope for your future,” declares the Lord,
“And your children will return to their own territory.
Jeremiah 31:16, 17


I remember a time when I thought life was tough and the path to peace and comfort was long and winding. Hard work showed little return and sacrifice and saving showed little in denting the debt. How do I take care of all I have to take care of with the little time and resource available?  It seemed impossible at the time, yet somehow, through God’s grace no doubt, everything worked out just fine. 

Now the reality is things were never really that bad, but, today’s struggles and challenges do seem to dominate those of the past as my hope is not only for my care, but the care of those God has entrusted to me, my family, my friends, my co-ministers. There are times I wanna cry and quit, more inclined to accept my captivity in Babylon then to remember the promises of my King. And then I hear the words of my Shepherd looking down at me saying, “don’t worry, I have a plan, I’m walking right alongside you, I have your back.”  And there’s comfort in those words, but there’s also hope for the future.


The Holy Spirit is tugging at my heart, gently saying again, “God will not forget nor forsake His covenant!”  Wait what?  You mean all of this was just a part of the masterplan? God has set us by the rivers of Babylon for a purpose?  Yes, a masterplan and purpose formed to convict my heart, not condemn my soul, to prosper my future not punish my past, and to once again reveal my God to be the gracious and merciful Shepherd. And now, moving forward, my heart and mind need to be set on 3 things:

  1. Do not be COMPLACENT.  Once I settle, I’m done.  Once I accept the state of the world and stop pursuing God’s promise for the world my heart and mind remains in captivity. Instead I need to set my hope on God’s covenant, God’s promise and continue to plow new fields and extend my tent pegs.  God’s plan is far more excellent then anything I can scheme up.
  2. Do not let COMFORT be my goal.  Again, I cannot remain in captivity mode, but continue to pursue the things which make for righteousness. I need to put cause over comfort all the time.  With my family, with my health, with my ministry. 
  3. I need to COMMIT.  That’s the one word that continues to resonate throughout this book of Jeremiah.  God will keep His covenant no matter what, but I need to commit completely.


Jesus, thank you for Your promises.  May I continue to see things into a higher state, having full trust and faith that You are good.  Thank you for being patient with me as declutter my mind, heart and soul and fill it with Your truth.  I pray for the strength and disciple to stand firm on Your solid rock. Amen


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