But Why...You Just Don't Understand

by Justin Smith on May 25, 2022


"King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter—Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, 'You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.' Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love." (1 Kings 11:1-2)


One of my least favorite interactions with my children happens when I establish a rule and their response is “But why...you just don’t understand.” The funny thing: I do understand! In fact, I understand to a level that they won’t appreciate until they’re parents. In fact, these rules are based out of love and concern for their well being, and they’re often consequences of the lessons I learned the hard way. 

God gave Solomon a rule, and judging from his actions I’m thinking he might have been thinking, “But why...you just don’t understand.” God told the Israelites they were forbidden to marry foreigners from certain nations, and if they were anything like my kids, or even me, I picture them saying “But why...I’m in love...you just don’t get it.” Yet God does get it! In fact, He gets it more than they would ever realize. He knew that their hearts were weak and that they would be swayed to worship other gods because of these relationships. He knew the temptation would be too strong, and sure enough, Solomon fell right into the very sin God warned him about and would have to face the consequences of his decisions.


How many times has God given you a directive, or a command, or even an opportunity and you chose to ignore it because you wanted what you wanted, you thought you knew what was best, or because you questioned His way? His love desires to protect you and not punish you. God’s wasn’t keeping Solomon from true love He was protecting him from falling, protecting him from temptation, protecting him from a straying heart. So, too. His plans for you are for your protection.

What has God currently asked of you that you have chosen to ignore or disobey?

May today be a day of understanding and obeying. May today be a day of gaining a new perspective on that situation that He’s been showing you and you thought was no big deal, that situation that you didn’t want to give up and surrender, or even that situation that you have been choosing disobedience. May today be a day where we stop the compromises and fully surrender to His love and His best plan.


Jesus, please forgive us for questioning Your plan and for disobeying Your directives. Help us to understand that all of Your rules are based out of Your love, Your wisdom, and Your understanding. Help us to acknowledge that You only want what’s best for us, so that we can surrender the things we want for the things You have for us. In Your name, Amen!


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