Be Fruitful

by John Tilton on December 23, 2024


“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.  Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”
John 15:1-2


Jesus references how we in our relationship with Him as our Savior would bear fruit; or as weʻve recently shared, ʻoccupy and testify,ʻ which is to do the will of God in serving Him.  That rather than be in the world and of the world; that instead we would live in the world, but more importantly live a life dedicated to Christ, following Him, and doing His will as a testimony to Him.  Another way of putting it is, does my life reflect my self or worldly interests; or does my life represent who Christ is in me, how I can be a testimony of His good news, and be an instrument of the Lord to others.

However, we must realize that as a follower of Jesus, we will be pruned or tested with trials and tribulations.  Our initial reaction is to complain, as to why we are encountering the challenges we face.  However, Jesus is clear in that in the challenging process, Jesus is able to cut away that things that are not of His will and way, and instead, grow us from glory to glory.


As we live in this world, it is so easy to get caught up in all of our responsibilities, expectations, desire to succeed in work, keep up with the social norms and trends, realize all the things we want that will seemingly make us feel happy, fulfilling all of our materialistic wants and desires, and being enticed by others around us.  Yet, the Word is so clear that we need to be about the Lordʻs business - His purpose, His plan, and His will.  We recently discussed the concept of “who are you, and what are you doing here?”  If we are indeed part of Jesusʻ vine, are we in fact bearing fruit and being fruitful.

I recently learned that the way to get more pukenikeni flowers (my favorite flower) from my trees, is to prune and cut away excess branches.  Wow, it works.


Dear Lord, as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I want to be a doer that bears fruit for your will.  I want to think less of what I want and more of what you want from me for your plan and purpose.  I pray that my actions would be intent on your will and way to be about your business, rather than my busyness.


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