New Hope Oʻahu's 29th Anniversary is HERE!

All “G”

by John Tilton on July 22, 2024


“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.  As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.  But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy.”
1 Peter 1:13-16


Peter’s encouraging words is a catalyst and prompting for believers to be mentally prepared, disciplined and expectant for what will be revealed, and will take place in and through Jesus.  Not only is it to prepare us, but a directive to example Jesus and walk in His ways.


I often hear the young people saying “it’s all G!”  “I say what?”  They’d reply, “it’s all G pastor, uncle or grandpa, it’s all good!”  This catchy phrase sums it all up in our response to Peter’s encouraging words that we should be “all G” in our hearts and minds.  That no matter what is going on around us, that the hearts and grace of Jesus would prevail in a gracious and positive way.  In order to be “G” I do need to be intentional in preparing my mind with His word, self-controlled and disciplined in my reaction; and therefore live a life and testimony of “all G” with my eyes, mind, and heart set on Jesus and His promises.  My stalwart obedience should keep me from the temptations that separate me from Christ’s will with the understanding that I should know better because of His word seeded in me. It’s a mindset of positive reinforcement that I have the honor each day and moment of reminding myself to take the high road versus the road of destruction or the road to nowhere.  It’s then when I am asked, “How are you?”  Or, what’s Up.”  I can say, “It’s all “G” … it’s all good and it’s all God!  I want to live a life that is all good and all for God.


Lord, I thank you for these catalytic scriptures that prompt me to be intentional, disciplined and actionable in the person that I should be.  I pray that you will guide and seed into me the commitment and perseverance to live a life of “G,” so that I will be able to example Christ and influence others with your goodness.


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