A Pure and Simple Kind of Love

by Kyle Lum on June 18, 2024


“The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.
But some people have missed this whole point. They have turned away from these things and spend their time in meaningless discussions.”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭1:5-6‬‬


Paul is writing his first letter to Timothy, a mentee whom he calls “a son of faith”.
He starts by warning him of false teachings already going around among the churches; teachings of myths, gnostic “special” teaching, pedigrees…all these meaningless discussions being passed off as “requirements” of salvation and faith.
But Paul reminds Timothy of how simple it is; the whole goal of his instruction is LOVE, but that this love must come from;
- a pure heart; purity that comes from the upholding of the law, and a repentance that continually turns away from sin.
- a clear conscience; a conscience clear and lucid; not from self-assurance and being in denial, but one that is transparent…even in the continual struggle toward purity.
- a genuine faith; a faith in which ones actions speak so much more loudly than any spoken words, nifty acronyms, and well-articulated speeches could produce.
Any love that is not held up against these standards, as it were, is subject to corruption and a mutated, toxic love...
Love without purity can turn to lust.
Love without a clear conscience can lead to unrestrained indulgence, arrogance, and greed.
Love without authentic faith becomes mechanical and conditional—even to the point of manipulation.
None of this is what Jesus called His disciples to follow.
And Paul ought to know. He was on the opposing side of his statement, so to speak. As a Pharisee, he promoted a religious, self-inflating, quid pro quo kind of love for God and (supposedly) for each other, as long as the people bow down to them, gave respectful greetings, called them “father”…
Paul practiced this...until Jesus had a personal encounter with him and turned his world around.


How then should I myself, live? What do I do, to reach out to the “Timothy’s” in my life?
I recall what my “spiritual Paul”--my mentor, Pastor Wayne, said in a teaching that became one of my life’s mantras. 
He said, “You can teach all that you know, but you will only reproduce who you are.”
I must check myself daily; no...I must check myself CONSTANTLY. I must keep my love pure and combat any impure thoughts.
I must keep my conscience clear, not by denial or positive mind thoughts, but by God’s Word in all situations (so grateful for Proverbs!), and I must live out a faith that is authentic and genuine to the core.
My personal mechanism to keep myself in check?  I serve with all my heart, no strings attached, expecting nothing from anyone, owing nothing to anyone, but to love as Jesus loved me.
This is what I need to teach the Timothy’s in my life. And if needed, I will use words and some semi-intelligent talk. (LOL)  


Lord Jesus, thank You for letting us in on Paul’s letters to his learning disciple.  May I glean wisdom and love from Paul, so I may be able to mentor any and all who ask. Amen.


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