“For they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened.” (Mark 6:52 )
Mark chapter six is packed with a compound of powerful experience, lessons and miracles that Jesus has brought His disciples through. His own hometown doubted him, disciples were driving our spirits two by two, they experienced the loss of John the Baptist, a luau miracle where five thousand people were fed and Jesus walked Water. Yet the Disciples are in dilemma to believe. While Jesus walked on water they were still thinking about the bread that hardened their hearts.
Interesting to see and know that you can still be a disciple and yet lack faith. You can be a christian and still be heart-hardened towards God's word. We will see more and more in the future where hearts will harden towards God because of disbelief. Knowing the disciples dilemma, is my heart hardened towards God or is it being softened? Do I lack faith or is my faith increasing?
As I drove to the church, no joke I had the most spiritual talks with God. I just started to think about my future and ministry. I started to dwell on the issue of Faith. I started to talk it out with God of how this past year it was so easy to blame things on covid of why I can’t take risks or why I play it safe. What a dilemma to be in! But the more I talked it out with God, the more I saw it as an excuse, fear, and uninspired. The lord said, “Pua if you want your faith to increase it can only grow in the tension of what has not yet been challenged or where there is no natural security for you to fall on?”
The disciples had front seats to the savior of every miracle but they were stuck on the issue of the bread. Where did Jesus get the bread? How was he able to purchase so much to feed everyone? I need to investigate the area of my own heart of where I am stuck on that needs reasoning before believing. In this next season I want to feel the tension of my faith, so that I am challenged to see God do miracles in my life. To stop being afraid or fearful but to take courage for Jesus is with me.
Things to take action:
- Pray through my life, ministry and plans
- Dream big Dream especially the ones that seems impossible
- Do the things that I have been holding back on
I pray that you will soften anything in my heart and in faith that I have grown hardened towards. Jesus, breakthrough any parts of my life that are holding me back for me to fully operate in faith. Change the attitude of my mind and empower me through your Holy Spirit to see mountains move in this next season of life.