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Our history

“We really had nothing. All we had were our hearts and a vision. We just loved Jesus and were passionate about telling people of His love for them.” - Carol Ann Shima, Founding Member

New Hope Oʻahu exists to love God, love people, and change the world. 

Established in 1995 by our Founding Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, we began with nothing but a vision and willing hearts. Since our first service, we have planted more than 120 churches around the world and have seen 120,000+ first time decisions for Christ in Hawaiʻi alone. Our congregation has grown to nearly 20,000 people from all 50 states and 200 countries on all 7 continents who worship with us online and in-person during our weekend services.

New Hope is all about people because New Hope is its people. Our church is not the building we meet in; rather, our church is our ohana––it’s the hearts, lives, and passions of the people that God has brought into our family. This passion is best viewed behind the scenes where people are serving together as a team. It’s here that they experience the greatest joy and deep meaningful relationships

Here, we pray you discover new hope for your life, your purpose, and your future. Welcome home. We are greater together.


At New Hope, culture is key. 

Core Value #1 - Love

We Believe that every person, Christian and non-Christian alike, is valuable to God and to His Kingdom.

Because people are eternally valuable to God, they are to us as well. Responsible evangelism will always be our cause and ongoing discipleship will always be the core of the ministry.

(Matthew 18:14; Matthew 25:45; 2 Peter 3:9)

Core Value #2 - Teamwork

We Believe that “doing church as a team” is God’s design for effective ministry.

A Spirit-empowered serving with the willing hearted involvement of every person is vital to God’s plan being accomplished.

(Psalm 133:1; Ecclesiastes 4:9-121 Peter 2:4-9; Ephesians 4:11-16)

Core Value #3 - Creativity

We Believe that a simple presentation of Jesus Christ in creative ways will impact and transform lives.

Relating to our culture through redeeming the arts while remaining true to the Scriptures is a balance we will always keep. This allows us to present the Gospel in such a way that reaches the heart.

(Acts 17:22-341 Corinthians 9:22-23)

Core Value #4 - Growth 

In keeping with the Great Commandment, we believe every member should commit to a lifestyle of consistent spiritual growth with honest accountability.

A genuine love for God is always the first priority. Every Christian should yearn for continual spiritual growth. Therefore, discipleship through small groups, accountability, and open honesty is critical to maturing in our faith.

(Proverbs 27:17Mark 12:29-31; Acts 2:44-471 Timothy 4:7-8; 1 Peter 2:2)

Core Value #5 - Gifts 

We Believe that every member is a minister who has been given gifts to be discovered, developed, and deployed.

We are a gift-based, volunteer-driven church. Each believer will find his greatest joy and fulfillment when serving in his spiritual gifts and passion. Every believer is created for ministry, gifted for ministry, authorized for ministry, and needed for ministry.

(Mark 10:45; Romans 12; Ephesians 2:10; 1 Corinthians 12:14-20)

Core Value #6 - Excellence

We Believe that God is worthy of our very best.

Therefore, a growing spirit of excellence should permeate every activity. Not perfection but excellence with consistent evaluation and a willingness to improve for the sake of the Kingdom of God are distinctive of growing ministries.

(Psalm 78:72; Daniel 5:12Ecclesiastes 10:10; Colossians 3:17)

Core Value #7 - Community

We Believe that genuine love and caring relationships are key to the life of every endeavor.

Refusing to give audience to a spirit of complaining, we will instead be courageous in solving every problem in a way that honors God and builds biblical character. We value healthy relationships by protecting the unity of the Spirit in our church.

(Romans 16:171 Corinthians 13:8;  Ephesians 4:3James 1:2-3; 1 Peter 3:8-9)

Core Value #8 - Invitation 

We Believe that the most effective evangelism happens through people inviting people.

We believe that a life will reach a life. Each believer develops genuine relationships with friends and family and extends an invitation to them. Evangelism gets to be a normal, natural lifestyle of winning others to Christ, one by one.

(Proverbs 11:30; John 1:43-45; John 4:28-30)

Core Value #9 - Leadership

We Believe in identifying and training emerging leaders who are fully committed to Christ and who will reach their generation with the Gospel.

God is raising up men and women who will take the baton of godly character, authentic faith, and servant-hearted leadership into the next generation.

(Psalm 78:6-71 Timothy 3:12 Timothy 2:2Titus 1:5-9)


How you do things is just as important as what you do. From singing onstage to setting up chairs before service, these ministry principles permeate all that we do.

We connect everything to a soul.

Everything we do is done with the purpose of touching hearts and transforming lives. If something we are doing is not connected to a soul and merely just an end in itself—it’s just another activity or sport—and it really is touching no one. We believe that every action, and every purpose, has the potential to transform lives. Imagine what God can do when the church puts purpose behind every action!

We do church as a team. 

Everyone is a 10 somewhere—and that includes you! We cannot do church alone, nor did God intend for us to do church alone. God has given each person unique gifts, talents, and passions that He wants to use to transform the world. When each of us is operating in our gifts, and we do it together, there’s just about nothing that’s impossible for us. Doing church as a team means that we are fully committed to helping every single person find their place of greatest contribution so that he or she may find and fulfill their God-given calling.

We are gracious in all our dealings.

Life happens. What matters most is not what we do to respond, but rather how we respond. At New Hope, we choose to be gracious in every situation, kind in every interaction, and respectful toward all people. Although we still must direct people to what God says is best, it must not be done in acrimony or anger, for “the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God” (James 1:20). We choose grace.

We support emerging leaders. 

God has placed a call on each of us to train up the next generation of leaders. We need to always remind ourselves: It’s not what you have done; but it’s what others will do because of what you have done. We believe in young leaders and give them a chance because God uses people of all ages, young and old, to transform the world.

We are a volunteer-driven church. 

God calls each and every person to be an active part in the work He is doing through New Hope Oʻahu. We give back to God of our time and resources because He has given so much to us. Our church will only be as involved, only as devoted, and only as vibrant as the people are.

We listen to and learn from God through doing daily activities. 

One of our greatest goals as a church is to develop people who have learned to nourish themselves on God’s Word on a daily basis. As a church, we read through the Bible in a year together using the Life Journal reading plan. Through daily readings, reflection, and journaling using the SOAP (Scripture-Observation-Application-Prayer) method, God will allow you to grow deeper and stronger in your faith. God wants to speak to you through daily devotions. The question is will you let Him?

We do everything heart first. 

This simply means to do everything you do with all of your heart. Whether it is in worship, teaching, serving, or cleaning, do it with your heart. We believe that a mind may reach a mind, but it takes a heart to reach a heart. That is one of God’s greatest tools in reaching the lost. It is not our talent or gifts; rather, it is the heart with which we use our talents and gifts.