Giving Statements are Here!

here are your

next steps


Because you are valuable to God and our `ohana, your next steps to grow in Him are so important. No matter where you are at in life, God has next steps in mind for you. If you are a new believer in Christ, been attending New Hope Oahu for a while or just wondering how you can advance your relationship with Jesus at New Hope, we can help you in your Next Steps.



Saying Yes! means you acknowledge that you have fallen short of righteousness and God's example of holiness; we call that sin. Then, you believe and confess (say) that Jesus paid for all sins by His death on the cross, and you want His payment to be applied to your life. You have repented (changed your mind, turned, and started going back toward God), confessed, and believed. That's all it takes to become a child of God, a part of God's family. It is the beginning of a lifelong journey to become more like God, to love Him fully and to live the life you were created to have.



Water Baptism is a public declaration of our identification with Jesus; His death, burial and resurrection. By being water baptized you are publicly saying that you have died to yourself and have decided to follow Jesus Christ.

become a


Growing Deep, Growing Strong is our membership course and should be a priority for everyone who calls New Hope Oahu their church home. The heart of a family and their values are so important to the vibrancy and function of that family. So it is with New Hope Oahu! We feel it is critical that every person who God calls to be a part of our familly, should know and understand the heart and values of our church. At Growing Deep, Growing Strong, you will also learn valuable Biblical lessons to strengthen your relationship with Christ!



As we read God's words, we begin to see how God responds to things. Doing daily devotions re-patterns the way we think and transforms the spirit of the mind. Then, when we face similar situations as Jesus did, we begin to respond in the same way.

Journaling is an excellent way to both record and process what God has spoken to us. It's also a useful tool to use at a later time to reflect on and review some of the "gems" that you have received. Without writing these down, you may forget those blessings and some very important lessons! 

join a

small group

Small Groups at New Hope Oahu are great places to connect and to grow. The purpose of these groups is to be an `ohana with a cause - to be a place where people: grow spiritually, grow relationally, care for each other, and explore purpose in life. This purpose echoes New Hope Core Value #4 In Keeping with the Great Commandment, we believe every member should commit to a lifestyle of consistent spiritual growth with honest accountability.


Life Change

Life Change is a seminar designed to bring freedom, healing, wholeness, and spiritual maturity into the life of believers. Through teachings, small group discussions, drama, worship, and prayer. Participants will have the opportunity to address issues that may be keeping them from fulfilling God’s best for their life.